Ender 3 V2 BLTouch Firmware Installation Guide by Smith3D [Updated –13 November 2022]

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

BLTouch Installation

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
If you are using a different extension wire, please pay attention to the wire colors above.

BLTouch Mount

BLTouch Mount for Ender3 V2 Link here (Use the two screws provided by BLTouch to screw it in.)


* Last Update from Jyers has been 1 year ago, Professional Firmware has more features but setup guide maybe different.

The very first thing you should to is go into Control > Advanced and adjust Probe Offset X to -42 & Probe Y Offset -10 (Printed Mount). and Control > Store Setting.

If you are using Creality official BL-Touch set, you have to set it to Probe X Offset -44 & Probe Y Offset -6.

MountProbe X OffsetProbe Y Offset
Custom Mount V3-42-10
Creality Official Mount-44-6

Video Guide by CHEP : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TroPjdkSEOY (Video guide doesn’t include manual leveling, do make sure you do manual bed leveling after adjust the z offset)

Unless your system is well tuned, please use the firmware above instead of high speed. Slow Probe & 5 x 5, which is great for first time tuning.

[8th April] As for Smith3D firmware, we have depreciated our firmware & move on to Jyer firmware as it offer much better features & functionality.

For BTT Filament Sensor & Standard Filament sensor, do enable them
inside Control > Advanced > Filament Sensor/Runout Distance

If you have never change your motherboard, it’s 4.2.2 by default

For 4.2.2 5×5 (High Speed) – download here
For 4.2.7 Board 5×5 (High Speed) – download here
For more info regarding this release
For people who’s suffering random probe fails, please refer to the FAQ below for z switch port firmware.

If flashed & auto leveling doesn’t work, please reset configuration (Control > Restore Default) or try to flash again with different filename. If you are getting Black screen, do format your MicroSD Card to FAT32 and rename the firmware & try again.

Older Build (V1.3.5b)

If you are facing issue on newer builds, you may try the older build

What’s BL Touch High Speed Mode?

  • The high speed mode probes multiple points without stowing the needle, making it much much faster. But also prone to crashes if your bed is severely slanted. Please make good use of Manual leveling before you try this.

For Ender 3 V2 no bootloader installation is required. Copy the firmware into your SD card and then slot it in, the printer will begin flashing once you reboot it. Do remember that you need a different filename each time you flash a new firmware eg. firmware1.1bin > firmware1.2bin, else the system will ignore it.

For user who would prefer official firmware from Creality, you may check this guide here

Some UI customizations the community has added

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
For Manual Leveling, please refer to CHEP guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EfWVUJjBdA

Some other features were offered compared to Stock firmware

  • Turn on and off display during printing
  • PID Autotune Menu
  • Change Filament menu
  • Adjust probe offset, filament sensor in the menu
  • __h__m Time Format Setting

And remember to add “M420 S1” in Cura!

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
VERY IMPORTANT Add M420 S1; after the G28 in your start G-code in the starting G-code of your cura profile. To enable leveling on every prints. As the current marlin for Ender 3 V2 is unable to make “leveling enabled” persistent after reboot. M420 S1; Enable ABL (If you are getting error for Fade Height) This line of code always appear in other printer profile such as CR10SProV2/Ender5Plus where there is BLTouch built in.

You can also add G29 for Bed Leveling before every prints

Instead of adding the M420 S1 command above. You can replace it with G29 (Place it after G28). G29 basically starts a new round of auto bed leveling , good for users who would prefer a fresh bed leveling before every prints.

Nozzle Crashing Into Bed?

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Steps to produce a good leveling

  • Once you setup the Probe Offset X & Probe Offset Y, Store Setting and go to Prepare > Auto Home. Make sure your probe is directly at the center of the bed.
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP
  • Start with Manual leveling to make sure the bed is leveled as much as you can, by manually adjusting bed spring. This is to reduce the amount of Z compensation ABL will need to apply when printing. Please refer to CHEP’s guide for how you can level your bed with a piece of paper. The firmware has included the buttons needed for printer to go to all 4 corners + center so you don’t have to do it via a gcode print file.
  • After the bed is leveled, get a good Z-offset by using the Prepare > Z-Offset. Remember to pre-heat your nozzle while using this as any remaining material stuck on nozzle tip might interfere the result while gauging with A4 paper. This tool will Auto home and then move Z to 0 to show actual Z offset. Prepare a paper to put between nozzle and bed, then try sliding it in and out, Microstep Up/Down & adjust Z offset until you feel a little friction between paper and nozzle. Use Home Z-Axis to double confirm if the z offset is the right one.
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP
  • Once you got your Z offset, go to main menu and press “Leveling”. It will probe 5×5 points and save the mesh to your printer.
  • Done and start printing!
  • Again, it’s very important to heat up nozzle to 180-200 while using Z-offset (if there is PLA in nozzle) Else the Z-offset will vary a lot depending on the leftover material stuck on nozzle tip.

What if you are not getting an accurate Z Offset from the Tool? (Live Adjust Z Offset)

Sometimes moving the Z axis up and down bit by bit might cause a little slippages, which makes the Z-Offset gauging with A4 paper inaccurate.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP

If you want a better gauging result. We recommend user to adjust Z Offset via Tune during printing


Z-axis won’t budge

Pay attention to the wiring color, some wires are inverted. If you are using 3rd party wiring, most probably the last two orange and yellow are inverted. You have to manually revert it back using a tweezer.

Black Screen of Death after flashed

Please follow this reddit link for full guide on how to do a proper flash
In summary
– Use newly formated sd card, with only bin file
– Rename bin file
– Unplug & reconnect power cord

Bltouch probe not centered / change probe offset

adjust Control > Advanced > Probe Offset X & Probe Offset Y

Manual Leveled & still printing in mid air or nozzle hitting the bed

Use slow probe 5×5 firmware to see if the situation is improving, if not check if your M420/G29 is added inside the start of gcode. Use either G29 or M420. Remember to save setting after leveled.

Sometimes Probe doesn’t finish during leveling

Solution 1:
Some users has issue with the bltouch port. the trigger signal or ground is not attached properly. Connect the two pin to the z switch stop & flash the firmware below.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Download 2.0.x.17 ZSwitchStop 5×5 Fast Smith3d Marlin Firmware

Solution 2:
Try connect via Pronterface and check what’s the error code returned.

Summary (this reddit link explained in detail)
– Make sure bed not totally out of level, probe may out of reach or nozzle hit the bed first
– Check if your bed is badly warped
– Check if your bltouch pin is bent
– Check the XY axis wheel tension
– Check the Z axis for binding

Solution 3:
There is a resistor fix for this, you can solder a resistor and use the bltouch port.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Setting is not saved

Remember to click “Control > Store Setting” everytime you setup completed. Check if eeprom is deleted in SD Card.

OctoPrint Settings

Power Lose Recovery doesn’t work

Power Lose Recovery only works when it reached certain layer. check your SD card if there is a PLR file exist. PLR determine if to display the Resume Printing message.

Motor making noises and freeze during print.

This will happen if you just flashed the firmware & does not reset the configuration. Just turn off and on your printer will do, restore default setting. Another possible issue is the dupont connectors on the motherboard loosen, do hot glue the connectors in place or upgrade it to 5 pin JST connector.

Sometimes UI/ print progress bar does not reflect to the latest

Known marlin bug. Restart, press back, will do.

Can I use 3DTouch or BLTouch older than v3.1?

May not compatible, this firmware is optimized for BLTouch v3.1.

Where can I get the source code? How to compile?

Github Repository is here.

If you are having issue compiling your own marlin, remember to set default_envs = STM32F103RET6_creality in platform.ini

How to donate?

Please donate to Marlin Firmware & https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jyers. Without them, there will be no great firmware for Ender 3 V2

What happens If I don’t want a BLTouch anymore?

You may revert your firmware to the official non-BLTouch firmware downloadable via this link – https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-v2

3D Printer Repair Service by Smith3D

If you are around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and would prefer an expert to service your Creality 3D Printer, check out our repair 3D printer service.

1,297 thoughts on “Ender 3 V2 BLTouch Firmware Installation Guide by Smith3D [Updated –13 November 2022]

  1. jzagalp says:

    Greetings and I hope you are well, I had installed the previous Firmware 2.0×14 working Excellent, I decided to update to your latest firmware Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-100121.bin, it worked without problems for three days but without notice I stop moving the BLTouch does not level, I tried to perform a ZOffset tool and I did not make any movement, the same happened when trying to perform an AUX Leveling. Finally, install the previous version again, 2.0×14 which is working without problems, I await your advice to understand a little more about the problem, I do not know what could have happened.
    Thank you

    • Smith3D says:

      interesting.. never encounter such issue before. but sounds like wire is loose or the failed the test. try clean up the bltouch pin, by blowing it and see if it’s working.

  2. Trevor Collins says:


    Thank you for this! Very helpful as a first time owner of a 3D printer. What settings are you using for the “high speed” portion of the bed leveling? I had to do a custom build of your firmware as my BLTouch offset is not the same as the thingiverse file you listed. I had to do a custom BLTouch mount to accommodate the fan shroud/duct I printed.

  3. Michel says:

    Unfortunately I still need help with my problem that the bltouch is off the bed when I click ‘Level’ on the main screen.

    According to the maker off the bltouch mount I use I have to set the offset to:

    Probe offsets are as follows:
    X: -45mm
    Y: -10mm

    I did a M851 x-0.45 y-0.10 and after that a M500

    But the problem is still that the bltouch is going outside the bed when I want to level

  4. Harry says:

    Hi, i’ve adjusted the correct probe offset with M851 X-42 Y-5 and saved it with M500.
    Neverless i get a leveling grid x/y=170/200 mm. The first measure starts at X=15/y=15. That’s fine. But the last measurement on the right side of the bed is at X=185.

  5. Alexander says:

    Hi, in the 2.0.x.16 release on github (https://github.com/smith3d/Marlin/releases/tag/2.0.x.16) there are several bin-variants. Some of them are not directly linked/documented on the Wesite.
    Up to now I used the Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin and it works great. Big THX for your efforts.
    I recently added BTTSmartSensor and since I am using Octopi, I’ am not quite sure which bin-variant is the best one.
    Could you give me a hint and maybe point out the differences between octopi.bin and octopi-2.bin.

    Really great work, keep going. Thanks for making my path to mastering 3D-printing a bit easier 😉

      • Chris H says:

        Many Thanks for all the hard work you put in with the firmware updates and time you spend responding to users.
        Is the Octopi version to communicate with OctoPrint?

        I get instant notifications of no filament with the smartsensor.
        Is there any options i should invert or activate in Gcode.

  6. Charles says:

    This new firmware is a godsend! (

    My BLTouch used to be so picky and I dreaded having to level it. I havent printed in a few months so of course I had five fails in a row. Loaded up this firmware and the Fast 5×5 worked the first time!!

    Thank you so much for what you do, guys!!!

  7. Vladimir says:

    Hi. Can you place always you latest firmware source code on GitHub? Now I see only X.14 (but latest 16). I need source code cos I have BLTouch with BTT Direct Extruder and I need change his position in code. Thanks!

  8. Heinz says:

    Hey folks,

    I have a problem with the verion:
    For 4.2.2 Filament Sensor 5×5 (High Speed)

    Without the use of the sensor it works fine.
    For 4.2.2 5×5 (High Speed)

    So how do I connect my sensor (Very simple switch) to my v.4.2.2 board?
    So which pins on the PCB?
    And then which pin from the switch? Signal HIGH when filament runout? Or inverted?

    Thank you very much

  9. SDEM says:

    Hello, I have just reinstalled the new 4×4 version is noted that in the Z-tools setting the Z setting is less precise by 0.10 instead of 0.01 which forces to go back to the z offset setting which is really not practical by contribution to the previous version.

      • SDEM says:

        I used the Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.9-4×4 version, for the 3X3 version it’s the same thing, in the Z-offset tool the setting of 0.10 you have to go back to Z-offset to be able to adjust from 0.01 a so on. it works but a lot of manipulation has to be done.

  10. Luke says:

    Hello Smith3D,

    you are my hero today! Really thank you very much at the point!
    I just equipped my Ender 3V2 with 3D touch and filament sensor. I tried to customize the Marlin firmware myself. Unfortunately it didn’t work at all. Your firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220) runs just great!
    Also the optical adjustments and the extended menu are great!

    Could you upload the sourcecode for this firmware? That would help me a lot to understand where I made mistakes. If you don’t want to do that I can understand that.

    Cheers, Luke

  11. Mike says:

    Hello Smith3D team

    Is there a version of Smith3D for a Ender 3 V1 ?
    My printer is a V1 with a 4.2.7 mainboard and Creality BL Touch 3.1 using a pin 27 adapter.
    Any info would be appreciated

  12. phen says:

    a nice feature idea for your firmware: after every finish of a print, the printer is waiting for ~10-15 minutes and if no other print is started, the printer is driving to the X axes Stopper and is hitting the X axis 5 times in sequence within a fixed time period. with this maybe strange behavior the complete printer knows to shutdown by itself 🙂

    good for prints into the night

  13. phen says:

    @smith3D i even can’t post on GitHub, there is no issue section.

    nevertheless, I fixed the “center print area” problem.
    i printed this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2280529 and measured the left and right box distance to my bed. Y was correct and centered, only X need adjustment.
    X to the left: 26mm and to the right 35mm. the difference is 9mm and this divided by 2 is 4.5mm
    Then I added “M206 X-4.5” with prontoface and now I have centered print area.

    is it correct, that the 5×5 probe are is also not “centered”?

  14. Manuj Singh says:

    Hello Smith 3D team,

    I have downloaded Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin for ender 3v2 which has For 4.2.2 Board (link is https://github.com/smith3d/Marlin/releases/download/2.0.x.16/Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin)
    The first time I did it did not work. I reset to defaults from the Display menu, Still did not work.
    Later On, I flash my printer with BLtouch firmware of Creality for mobo Board 4.2.2 Ender-3 v2 Marlin2.0.1 BLtouchV1.1.1without adapter board firmware.rar
    Then I Again flashed with Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin WOW it worked. I can see my Mechanical Filament sensor is working fine I have BL touch3.0 3rd party one. All are working fine..
    1) In Cura What will be the start code need to know This needs to be done when we have added Filament and BLtouch And firmware is my query …. I researched I added these lines – below G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
    M412 S1 ; filament run out on
    G28 ; Home all axes
    G29 ; auto bed leveling on

    2nd time asking and waiting for your response..

    After installing this firmware for BLtouch and Mechanical filament sensor. What changes should be made in the Start code in Cura printer settings for it? Please Advise

    Also, I would like you to know How to UI customizations display menu for Filament runout alert..

    Can you share your source code… with Config h and UI ?

    Thank you Regards Manuj

  15. Tracy says:

    Thanks for posting this article. It really helps. Had all kinds of Z-Offset and print leveling issues with new BLTouch 3.1 and the Creality firmware.

    I messed up and copied the configs from Creality down and realized that that was wrong.
    Reverted and saw this branch is for Ender 3 V2. My bad,

    I was just going thru code and trying to figure out if the version I compiled was FAST or SLOW mode.

    Is that the #define BLTOUCH_HS_MODE in Configuration_adv.h

    The only odd thing I see is on version ESV2-2.0.x-16-3-Smith3D is the following:
    On 2nd sample of the probe it does not retract probe high enough on Z.
    This does not seem to affect sample but the BLTouch probe drops into the bed.
    The probe goes thru it’s normal color cycle and like I said it does not seem to affect it.

    Do I need to increase Z retract height between samples or after each sample ?

    Thanks again for the cool fixes.

  16. phen says:

    im on the 2.0.x.16 version 5×5 fast. I figured out how to correct “M851 X-45.00 Y-7.00” my probe with Creality metal rack. that’s ok, but the prints are never centered. I have the test print with the 5 plates and a skirt around it and the whole design has an offset of X 0.7mm to the left and 1.5mm to the right. how can I fix that?

  17. Ed says:

    I am a still little stuck. I installed the Micro-Swiss Direct drive with their hot end. Using the BLTouch. My offset of the BLTouch is x-56.5 and y-23 from nozzle. I have now tried E3v2-2.0x.16-5×5. From Octoprint I did M851 x-56.5 y-23 and M206 x-5 y-10 and stored m500. Confirmed the settings with an M503. From control panel when I select level it is not covering the whole bed. It starts maybe 5mm from the front edge of the bed and probes 5 spots along the edge only about 3/4ths across the x axis and same for 3/4ths back on the y axis. When I use control panel to move x and y axis. The very corner of the bed sits about x=4 and Y=8. When I move x to 220 it is 17mm from edge of glass. When I move y to 220 it is about 17mm from the back edge.

    Question 1: How do I get it to run auto level on the entire bed. I tried the 3×3 also with similar results.
    Question 2: Should the xy edge of the bed be at x4 y8 after I auto home (Auto home x=161.5 Y128)

  18. steve hole says:

    i really like this ui, but the rest of it just lets it down, i have a bl touch 3,1 genuine, and the first layer is always to high,its never at the 0.2 i set it too. if i manualy adjust the z azis while printing even just 0.01 it crashes into the bed. im sure the x and y offset is also wrong. this is driving me insane

  19. John says:

    Guide is great, by-far the one I’ve had the most success with. Firmware so far is also great, thanks for the QoL updates. I’m having an issue on the print resume feature though. To replicate:

    1) pause print
    2) power down (& leave for a bit)
    3) power back up and resume

    The menu correctly shows the “resume print” and allows me to select it. Print head will home on X&Y, heat the bed and nozzle but when it resumes, the z-height is incorrect. I’m wondering if this corresponds to the z-height jog up when selecting “pause”? When resuming the print height is much too high.

    I’m currently testing with a regular pause/resume (with no loss of power) and will report back if that behaves differently.

  20. Rob says:

    hello since i have updated my printer to the january 10 version my printer drives directly into the pressure plate when homing. and the motor no longer stops. what can i do?

  21. Michel says:

    First I have to say that I really like the UI…it’s so much clearer, great work….
    But unfortunately I have a little problem with my BLtouch v1.3 on my Ender 3 v2 with 4.2.2 board.
    I leveled my bed, used the z-tool and that worked without any problems.
    But when I click ‘Level’, it seems the nozzle (or probe) isn’t exacly in the middle and after it homed it first goinng to the left side.
    The BLtouch is outside the bed en de nozzle pushes on the bed, after that it stops and does nothing.

    I searched the internet, but could not find an answer.
    Please someone can help me.

    (sorry for my not so good english :-))

  22. Adrian J says:

    Hi, I have tried the “Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-BTTSmartSensor-100121-octopi.bin” and it tells me that I have FilamentRunout T0 when there is defiantly firmament loaded.
    I tried the updated “Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-BTTSmartSensor-100121-octopi-2.bin” and i get the same error, does this sound like a fault with my sensor or could it be firmware ?

      • Adrian J says:

        Yes, I am using the BTT Smart Sensor. its is plugged in and connected

        Send: M500, M412 S1, M500
        Recv: //action:notification Settings Stored
        Recv: ok
        Send: M412
        Recv: echo:Filament runout ON
        Recv: Filament runout distance (mm): 0.00
        Recv: ok

      • Adrian J says:

        This is the log from the output with Temps suppressed
        Recv: echo:Bed Leveling ON
        Recv: echo:Fade Height 2.00
        Recv: ok
        Send: N11 G1 Z2.0 F3000*43
        Recv: ok
        Send: N12 G1 X0.1 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0*29
        Recv: echo:busy: processing
        Recv: ok
        Send: N13 G1 X0.1 Y200.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15*82
        Recv: //action:prompt_end
        Recv: //action:prompt_begin FilamentRunout T0
        Recv: //action:prompt_show
        Recv: //action:paused filament_runout 0
        Printer signalled that it paused, switching state…
        Changing monitoring state from “Printing” to “Pausing”

        • Chris H says:

          I am having the same issue. Error on every step about no filament. Did you manage to solve this issue. Also what is the difference with the octopi version to the one without?

      • Adrian J says:

        On further investigation
        If i remove the filament from the BTT Sensor, it stops prior to printing purge line prior with filament out.

        With filament back in it carries out the purge prior to stopping . so I would guess reading a filament snag signal ?

          • Adrian J says:

            Thank you for your help

            Yes, i just tried that. it does the purge and then beeps at me and stops.
            Are there any code that i can send to test the Sensor that you know of (fault finding).. or do i need to talk to BTT ?

          • Adrian J says:

            I think you need to un-comment the following in the configuration.h

            //#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM 25

            from what i have read online this needs to be defined. If i am correct can you please up re-upload.

            Thank you

          • Adrian J says:

            Ok, i now understand now about the source, thank you

            So when i sent M412 I am getting runout distance returned as 0mm, is this correct?

            Send: M412
            Recv: echo:Filament runout ON
            Recv: Filament runout distance (mm): 0.00
            Recv: ok

  23. phen says:

    thanks for the firmware. I used the original metal rack from creality to mount bltouch to my ender v2. so I have the nozzle not centered during print.
    creality is telling that the probe to nozzle difference is X -45mm and Y -7 mm but I can’t figure out how to use M851 in cure and not have to recompile every firmware from you in the future. would like to just put it into my start gcode and forget it

    any help how to calculate it correctly base on your firmware with the different printed rack mount

  24. nickappleby42 says:

    I’m having a lot of trouble with BLTouch on my Ender 3 V2; no matter how I set z-offset, the nozzle is always too high at the back of the bed (first layer barely adhering to the bed), and too low at the front (nozzle so low that it presses against the bed and no filament is extruded). I’ve tried both the 2.0.x.14 and the alpha 2.0.x.16 firmware, same result with both. All printer wheels are snug so there is not play in the bed or elsewhere, and the BLTouch is correctly mounted and connected. Could I have a faulty BLTouch? (It does fail self-test on printer startup fairly often, maybe 1 in every 4 times I start the printer.)

    • Smith3D says:

      wire maybe loose, or setting not saved. and also check the FAQ for the occasionally fail probe, you may need another setup, bltouch 2 pin on on the z switch port instead.

      • Nicholas Appleby says:

        Hi, I’ve tried all your suggestions, after re-seating the wires I’m no longer getting the problem with the self-test failure. However the print problem is the same – nozzle is too high at the back of the bed and too low at the front. I sent back the BL Touch and got a replacement, but the problem is still there. Any other suggestions? Thanks

  25. Daniel Jay Stahovic says:

    During my print on my V2 I try to manually adjust my Z offset. But I have noticed that when I adjust my negative offset from -3.78 to a more negative number (like -.05-ish or more Going towards more negative…) The nozzle will crash into the board then I have to quickly readjust my Z offset to somewhere about -0.12 For it to stop gouging into the glass bed… Then I have to keep it at -0.12 for the remainder of the print until I try to print again something else and then I have to go back to my offset of -3.78 and pray it doesn’t crash into the bed again…

  26. Dan says:

    Thank you for putting together this guide! I have a quick question on the best way to troubleshoot the “Probe Failing” message.

    Running an ANTCLABS BLTouch with the base firmware linked in this guide (Marlin Firmware V2.0.x.14 – Slow 5×5 Probe).

    Everything was working great for a week or two but I just installed new springs on my bed this morning. Re-leveled everything manually, checked Z-Offset again, ran a manual auto leveling via printer and then saved configuration.

    I then tried printing as I had before (G28; followed by a G29;) and it failed about halfway through leveling with the “Probe Failing” message in Octoprint. Tried a few more times and had the same thing happen at some point throughout the 5×5 probes. Sometimes the first and sometimes the 2nd to last.

    Hooked up to Pronterface to try and get more info on what was happening so ran my G28; followed by my G29; but it ran to completion successfully. Tried over and over again and it works every time. Flipping back to my prints, it errors again.

    Any ideas or tips on what could be causing this?

    TL;DR – Getting “Probe Failing” when trying to print from Octoprint (G28; G29;) but get a successful run using Pronterface to debug the issue (G28; G29;)

  27. Tony says:

    Thank you for the strong top at the top to check the wiring. Mine was wrong and it had foxed be over Christmas. With your advice it worked first time.
    Any advice for users of mattercontrol on setting up auto bed levelling?

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