Ender 3 V2 BLTouch Firmware Installation Guide by Smith3D [Updated –13 November 2022]

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

BLTouch Installation

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
If you are using a different extension wire, please pay attention to the wire colors above.

BLTouch Mount

BLTouch Mount for Ender3 V2 Link here (Use the two screws provided by BLTouch to screw it in.)


* Last Update from Jyers has been 1 year ago, Professional Firmware has more features but setup guide maybe different.

The very first thing you should to is go into Control > Advanced and adjust Probe Offset X to -42 & Probe Y Offset -10 (Printed Mount). and Control > Store Setting.

If you are using Creality official BL-Touch set, you have to set it to Probe X Offset -44 & Probe Y Offset -6.

MountProbe X OffsetProbe Y Offset
Custom Mount V3-42-10
Creality Official Mount-44-6

Video Guide by CHEP : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TroPjdkSEOY (Video guide doesn’t include manual leveling, do make sure you do manual bed leveling after adjust the z offset)

Unless your system is well tuned, please use the firmware above instead of high speed. Slow Probe & 5 x 5, which is great for first time tuning.

[8th April] As for Smith3D firmware, we have depreciated our firmware & move on to Jyer firmware as it offer much better features & functionality.

For BTT Filament Sensor & Standard Filament sensor, do enable them
inside Control > Advanced > Filament Sensor/Runout Distance

If you have never change your motherboard, it’s 4.2.2 by default

For 4.2.2 5×5 (High Speed) – download here
For 4.2.7 Board 5×5 (High Speed) – download here
For more info regarding this release
For people who’s suffering random probe fails, please refer to the FAQ below for z switch port firmware.

If flashed & auto leveling doesn’t work, please reset configuration (Control > Restore Default) or try to flash again with different filename. If you are getting Black screen, do format your MicroSD Card to FAT32 and rename the firmware & try again.

Older Build (V1.3.5b)

If you are facing issue on newer builds, you may try the older build

What’s BL Touch High Speed Mode?

  • The high speed mode probes multiple points without stowing the needle, making it much much faster. But also prone to crashes if your bed is severely slanted. Please make good use of Manual leveling before you try this.

For Ender 3 V2 no bootloader installation is required. Copy the firmware into your SD card and then slot it in, the printer will begin flashing once you reboot it. Do remember that you need a different filename each time you flash a new firmware eg. firmware1.1bin > firmware1.2bin, else the system will ignore it.

For user who would prefer official firmware from Creality, you may check this guide here

Some UI customizations the community has added

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
For Manual Leveling, please refer to CHEP guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EfWVUJjBdA

Some other features were offered compared to Stock firmware

  • Turn on and off display during printing
  • PID Autotune Menu
  • Change Filament menu
  • Adjust probe offset, filament sensor in the menu
  • __h__m Time Format Setting

And remember to add “M420 S1” in Cura!

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
VERY IMPORTANT Add M420 S1; after the G28 in your start G-code in the starting G-code of your cura profile. To enable leveling on every prints. As the current marlin for Ender 3 V2 is unable to make “leveling enabled” persistent after reboot. M420 S1; Enable ABL (If you are getting error for Fade Height) This line of code always appear in other printer profile such as CR10SProV2/Ender5Plus where there is BLTouch built in.

You can also add G29 for Bed Leveling before every prints

Instead of adding the M420 S1 command above. You can replace it with G29 (Place it after G28). G29 basically starts a new round of auto bed leveling , good for users who would prefer a fresh bed leveling before every prints.

Nozzle Crashing Into Bed?

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Steps to produce a good leveling

  • Once you setup the Probe Offset X & Probe Offset Y, Store Setting and go to Prepare > Auto Home. Make sure your probe is directly at the center of the bed.
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP
  • Start with Manual leveling to make sure the bed is leveled as much as you can, by manually adjusting bed spring. This is to reduce the amount of Z compensation ABL will need to apply when printing. Please refer to CHEP’s guide for how you can level your bed with a piece of paper. The firmware has included the buttons needed for printer to go to all 4 corners + center so you don’t have to do it via a gcode print file.
  • After the bed is leveled, get a good Z-offset by using the Prepare > Z-Offset. Remember to pre-heat your nozzle while using this as any remaining material stuck on nozzle tip might interfere the result while gauging with A4 paper. This tool will Auto home and then move Z to 0 to show actual Z offset. Prepare a paper to put between nozzle and bed, then try sliding it in and out, Microstep Up/Down & adjust Z offset until you feel a little friction between paper and nozzle. Use Home Z-Axis to double confirm if the z offset is the right one.
Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP
  • Once you got your Z offset, go to main menu and press “Leveling”. It will probe 5×5 points and save the mesh to your printer.
  • Done and start printing!
  • Again, it’s very important to heat up nozzle to 180-200 while using Z-offset (if there is PLA in nozzle) Else the Z-offset will vary a lot depending on the leftover material stuck on nozzle tip.

What if you are not getting an accurate Z Offset from the Tool? (Live Adjust Z Offset)

Sometimes moving the Z axis up and down bit by bit might cause a little slippages, which makes the Z-Offset gauging with A4 paper inaccurate.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]
Picture by CHEP

If you want a better gauging result. We recommend user to adjust Z Offset via Tune during printing


Z-axis won’t budge

Pay attention to the wiring color, some wires are inverted. If you are using 3rd party wiring, most probably the last two orange and yellow are inverted. You have to manually revert it back using a tweezer.

Black Screen of Death after flashed

Please follow this reddit link for full guide on how to do a proper flash
In summary
– Use newly formated sd card, with only bin file
– Rename bin file
– Unplug & reconnect power cord

Bltouch probe not centered / change probe offset

adjust Control > Advanced > Probe Offset X & Probe Offset Y

Manual Leveled & still printing in mid air or nozzle hitting the bed

Use slow probe 5×5 firmware to see if the situation is improving, if not check if your M420/G29 is added inside the start of gcode. Use either G29 or M420. Remember to save setting after leveled.

Sometimes Probe doesn’t finish during leveling

Solution 1:
Some users has issue with the bltouch port. the trigger signal or ground is not attached properly. Connect the two pin to the z switch stop & flash the firmware below.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Download 2.0.x.17 ZSwitchStop 5×5 Fast Smith3d Marlin Firmware

Solution 2:
Try connect via Pronterface and check what’s the error code returned.

Summary (this reddit link explained in detail)
– Make sure bed not totally out of level, probe may out of reach or nozzle hit the bed first
– Check if your bed is badly warped
– Check if your bltouch pin is bent
– Check the XY axis wheel tension
– Check the Z axis for binding

Solution 3:
There is a resistor fix for this, you can solder a resistor and use the bltouch port.

Ender 3 v2 bltouch firmware installation guide by smith3d.com [updated –13 november 2022]

Setting is not saved

Remember to click “Control > Store Setting” everytime you setup completed. Check if eeprom is deleted in SD Card.

OctoPrint Settings

Power Lose Recovery doesn’t work

Power Lose Recovery only works when it reached certain layer. check your SD card if there is a PLR file exist. PLR determine if to display the Resume Printing message.

Motor making noises and freeze during print.

This will happen if you just flashed the firmware & does not reset the configuration. Just turn off and on your printer will do, restore default setting. Another possible issue is the dupont connectors on the motherboard loosen, do hot glue the connectors in place or upgrade it to 5 pin JST connector.

Sometimes UI/ print progress bar does not reflect to the latest

Known marlin bug. Restart, press back, will do.

Can I use 3DTouch or BLTouch older than v3.1?

May not compatible, this firmware is optimized for BLTouch v3.1.

Where can I get the source code? How to compile?

Github Repository is here.

If you are having issue compiling your own marlin, remember to set default_envs = STM32F103RET6_creality in platform.ini

How to donate?

Please donate to Marlin Firmware & https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jyers. Without them, there will be no great firmware for Ender 3 V2

What happens If I don’t want a BLTouch anymore?

You may revert your firmware to the official non-BLTouch firmware downloadable via this link – https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-v2

3D Printer Repair Service by Smith3D

If you are around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and would prefer an expert to service your Creality 3D Printer, check out our repair 3D printer service.

1,297 thoughts on “Ender 3 V2 BLTouch Firmware Installation Guide by Smith3D [Updated –13 November 2022]

  1. Norbert says:

    —(With the previous firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin) the application Filament_run_out on my device worked perfectly. But with the new firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.17-Fast-5×5-180321.bin) the system goes into the Filament_run_out parking position immediately after the BLTouch calibration. After resuming printing and printing for a short time, the same thing happens. Parking position. Has this problem occurred to other users?

    use the inverted filament sensor edition instead.)—–

    I also tried the inverted filament sensor software, with the same result of the unwanted parking position.

  2. Bharat Pareek says:


    I was using the z endstop probe version of the firmware. Is their any update planned for that one?

    Also can I compile my own version with your latest sources, by just adding “#define z_min_probe_uses_z_min_endstop_pin” in the code?

  3. Taif says:

    The “Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-4.2.7-5×5-Slow-100121” doesnt work with the adapter (original). The z-axis will not move down. Will you release a firmware that will work with the adapter for the 4.2.7?

      • Taif says:

        I am using the original creality Bltouch and directly connected it to the motherboard. It does not stop the z axis from crashing into the bed. Only with the adapter and the creality firmware does it work. I am not sure how to tell if I have the z axis stop edition

  4. Norbert says:

    With the previous firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-filamentsrunout-221220.bin) the application Filament_run_out on my device worked perfectly. But with the new firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.17-Fast-5×5-180321.bin) the system goes into the Filament_run_out parking position immediately after the BLTouch calibration. After resuming printing and printing for a short time, the same thing happens. Parking position. Has this problem occurred to other users?

  5. CrustySweetRoll says:

    I’m having a repeatable issue with the z-offset tool value not being respected when a print starts. The intro line and first layer are printed way above the bed (1mm or more). BLTouch is working as expected and I’ve checked the z axis hardware and nothing is loose. I reloaded the .bin file (renamed) but this persists. I’m kind of stuck at the moment. Fmwr: Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.17-Fast-5×5-230×230-180321.bin.

    • CrustySweetRoll says:

      I seem to have rectified this by deleting the EEPROM. There are still some text aberrations on the V2 screen. Sorry to answer my own question.

  6. Carsten says:

    Hi, Tried to compile the FW V2.0.x.17 with the change for the BLTouch connection as described above. After loading the compiled FW (from source link) I got the V2.0.x.16 on my board. Did I something wrong or is the source code from this link the old one?

  7. NB says:

    When manually pausing a print, bed temp goes to zero causing the print to deattach. Is there a way to fix this (keeping current bed temp)? Instead of setting up bed temp again in tune menu.

  8. Darrell Smallman says:

    Hi just following your guide and just wondering if I unhook the factory z stop micro switch after hooking up the bltouch or do I leave it plugged in I have a ender 3 v2 with 4.2.2 board

  9. jzagalp says:

    Greetings I hope to be useful with my problem and installed the new Firmware V2.0.x.17 Smith3D and had problems when making compensation of the Extruder, I explain.
    _Firstly when entering x data in control-Motion-Steps / mm-Steps / mm E leaving an x value to later go to Prepare-Move-Extruder, when starting to move the knob and before being able to leave it 100.0 the extruder alone and without giving it no parameter begins to retract without being able to change a parameter or exit Move Axis, when retracting a quantity of this filament, it only begins to extrude the marked parameter that remains pasted on the screen. ???.
    Return to previous Firmware V2.0.X.16

  10. Patrick Hartog says:

    I am using your firmware with my ender 3v2 and BLtouch for some time now, and I am very happy with it! Now I purchased a BTT smartsensor. I want to use it before the (bowden setup) extruder. Which firmware do I need to use then? Thank you in advance!

  11. CrustySweetRoll says:

    Hi, is this firmware (Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.17-Fast-5×5-230×230-180321.bin) for the 4.2.2 board or the 4.2.7?
    Many thanks,

  12. Hervé says:

    Hi, I just flashed my ender 4 v2 with 4.2.2 main board with today’s version and it seems that the printer is not able to connect to octopi anymore. Is that a known issue?

  13. stresspuppy says:

    I’m tried to flash using the latest and I get the blank screen. So I reformatted the card, put the BIN on it, renamed the BIN with “-1” at the end, unplugged in the machine, waited a minute (just in case), plugged the machine in, put the card in, turned it on. Nada. Am I missing something? I read somewhere that the “DWIN-SET” folder needs to be in the root as well but there is no download for that (but that may be a red herring).


      • stresspuppy says:

        Thanks for the quick response. I read the FAQs before posting and did format as FAT 32 as stated in my post. I am on a Mac but it can still format to FAT32 with no issues. I will try again but have done this a couple of times with no luck so far.

        • stresspuppy says:

          Well, it seems I can get it to load/flash if I use the Creality firmware for the BLTouch and the 4.2.7 board but using the same process (format as FAT32, only this BIN file on it, renamed so it isn’t the same as a previous, unplug power and plug back in) it won’t flash. Not sure what would be different from this BIN to theirs that wouldn’t work on my printer. Open to any input (and very thankful if I can get it to load).

  14. Christopher Skilton says:

    Hi, Is this meant to work with the 4.2.7 mainboard? I have tried and the printer takes the new firmware but does not respond to any commands via the control – eg, tried to move x-axis and nothing happens.


  15. Howard says:

    I built my own smart filament sensor using an Optical Filament Sensor for my ender 3 v2. Which firmware would you suggest I install? Also, I assume the firmware is already configured to recognize the filament sensor.

    Thank you

  16. i crazy says:

    If I cancel a print, the message “Park – Please wait” appears. The hotend and print bed do not return to their home position. That makes the original FW – is that normal?
    If the printing is canceled and I go to print again on the same file, the old “Status” at which I canceled, for example 10% belongs. Is that normal too?

  17. Gil Fernandes says:


    ive installed the firmware but when i try to aux level, it doesnt go to the corners as i click on the buttons.

    also, it only goes up on z axis not down, even if i use the move function

  18. darco says:

    Hello, wanted ask about changes made to the zswitch stop bin file? I ask because I have compiled my own and uncommented Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN but I still have probe errors. With your fw, no errors at all?

  19. Barrett says:

    Not sure if things are working correctly and need some insight…. Newb here so please bear with me….. Flashed from Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Slow-100121 to Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-100121. Everything was working great with slow firmware, I like to do an ABL before every print and the slow version did this with G29 in cura. After flashing to Smith3D-E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Fast-100121, running z-offset then leveling the bed (at temps of course) I start a print and the BL touch only probes the center and doesn’t do the 5×5. I have rebooted printer, re-flashed and ran all leveling and offset tools and still it does not do the fast 5×5 bed probing before each print, only probes the center before each print…..

    Is the firmware behaving as designed? Do I need to do something else to get a new 5×5 bed probe (fast) before each print? Or should I re-flash to the slow version to achieve this, since it did work albeit rather slowly…

      • Barrett says:

        Any ideas as to how I can get it to perform as intended? Willing to provide any info I can to have this remedied and possibly help others.

        The bed leveling function performs as expected (From main menu). Doesn’t matter whether I start the print via octoprint or locally via printer. Same result of only a center probe when starting. Z stop has been removed if this helps any…

        • Barrett says:

          Total user error on this one…. I forgot the files I was printing I sliced at work and obviously didnt set G29 in Cura… Sliced something at home and 5×5 works as normal.

  20. Steve says:

    I’ve uploaded the latest firmware (E3V2-2.0.x.16-5×5-Slow-100121.bin) to my Ender 3V2. Works Great & I love the interface; Including the BL Touch settings.

    I’ve also added the converted Z-Axis filament runout sensor & I’d like to edit the firmware file (.bin) to add the code for the runout sensor. Since I’m fairly new to this process, I understand that I can not edit the compiled bin file to add the code for the sensor.

    Q: Is there a way to edit the bin file (vs. adding the code to my slicer) to add the coding I want, or is there a way Smith 3D can release a version that includes these code lines; or can you provide the original uncompiled code (?)

    Possibly an uneducated question, but as I said, I’m new to this process & any direction would be a great help!


    • Steve says:

      Oh, so doing more research, I found the GitHub link to the uncompiled code; but alas, I don’t have enough knowledge (Arduino or otherwise) or confidence to undertake this. Guess I’ll have to add the code lines to the slicer… UNLESS someone out there would like to help/recompile the file with the lines for the runout sensor…


      Buler? 😉

      Please let me know! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  21. Johnny says:

    I cannot be the only one concerned about the x-offset necessary to center the bed mesh… has anyone solved this? If so, please be kind enough to share us the trouble? Thank you. Happy printing!

  22. Bharat Pareek says:

    This is for everyone having random probe errors.

    Installed this firmware “2.0.x.16 ZSwitchStop 5×5 Fast Smith3d Marlin Firmware” as mentioned in FAQ and all probe errors are gone. Now I am doing a g29 before each print confidently instead of using saved mesh.

    I noticed that not only probing completes without errors now, it is much more accurate too now.

    Thank you so much @Smith3D.

  23. CrustySweetRoll says:

    Hi, the temperature tends to over/under shoot when warming up and first layer change. Is there no PID autotune built in the firmware?
    Many thanks,

  24. John Bower says:

    You say in your setup for the BL Touch that you have to add a line or two to the gcode. Since your file is .bin, there is no way to do that. You might be able to do it in a slicer but you have to be able to create gcode files.

  25. javier sanchez says:

    Disculpen la pregunta, soy muy novato en impresora, he instalado un bltouch en mi ender 3v2
    introduzco el archivo .bin en la tarjeta sd una vez formateada arranco la impresora y el menu continua siendo como el origen. No cambia el cuarto boton del menu de la pantallaa level, continua saliendo info. No consigo identificar como se consigue que cambie ese boton de info a level. he revisado varios repositorios pero solo veo lo de insertar la tarjeta sd con el .bin y no me funciona con eso, el bltouch si que al arranca sube y baja la punta pero no tengo el acceso para configuracion del level.

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