Congratulation for becoming a CR-10 Smart owner. This is an amazing medium size of CR-6 SE with remote printing & much sturdy build. Despite the amazing features of the machine, unfortunately the QC wasn’t done right & firmware wasn’t really ready yet. Fortunately the CR-10 Smart is a very simple machine to assemble and if […]
Author Archives: Smith3D
Have you been wondering how to enable bl-touch with klipper? In this guide we will be guiding you on how to use bltouch on klipper. This articles is heavily influenced by other websites such as kevink & 3dprintbeginner Setup Fluiddpi on RaspberryPi For full installation, please refer to Summary:1. Prepare a RaspberryPi 3B/4, MicroUSB […]
Bltouch for Ender 3 Max? 310*320mm print size is huge, normally you have to do manual bed leveling every few prints to get your first layer correct and prevent spaghetti printing. A way to get rid of manual leveling is to install bltouch on to your Ender 3 Max. BLTouch has repeatable precision up to […]
Clogged Extruder These jams or clogs are usually due to something inside the nozzle that is blocking the plastic from freely extruding may result to extruder no longer able to push plastic through the nozzle. How to fix: Dislodge the block in your nozzle with an acupuncture needle, hypodermic needle or an uncoated high-e guitar […]
BLTouch Installation BLTouch Mount BLTouch Mount for Ender3 V2 – Link here (Use the two screws provided by BLTouch to screw it in.) Firmware * Last Update from Jyers has been 1 year ago, Professional Firmware has more features but setup guide maybe different. The very first thing you should to is go into Control […]
BLTouch Installation BLTouch Mount for Ender3V2 – the two screws provided by BLTouch to screw it in. Firmware As of 31st of July, Creality removed the 1.1.6 BLTouch firmware from their official site. For whatever reason it might be, below is a mirror link to the previous firmware v1.1.1 BLTouch by Creality which works. For […]